
Saturday 23 October 2010

Shekhovtsov on Metapolitical Fascist Music in England

Sorry for the short notice, but Anton Shekhovtsov, author of the essay on 'Apoliteic Music' I've referred to a number of times on this blog, is giving this talk at Lancaster University at 16:30 this coming Monday 25th Oct for their Language, Ideology and Power Research Group. Anton will be talking about the 'apoliteic' turn of groups of Fascists towards music and cultural production generally, intended to normalise their anti-democratic and racist ideas. All welcome.


  1. Matthew Roberts27 Oct 2010, 14:54:00

    Unfortunately I wasn't in the area when this was taking place, but if anyone was it would be great if they could put a quick report in the comments.

  2. Thank you for your interest. The event was really great and people did ask very interesting questions. (However, they were all academics and have not heard about the Neofolk scene before.)


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